Dr. Elaine Shpungin is a writer, scholar, workshop facilitator, leadership coach, and speaker.


What are restorative practices?

A set of practices that help bridge differences, build community, decrease conflict, and restore relationships post conflict.

Dr. Elaine has more than 15 years of experience implementing and sharing restorative practices in organizations, programs, and educational settings (check out her writing about it here).

Her workshops are interactive, hands on, and practical. Participants engage in “real plays” rather than role plays, and leave with tools they can start using the same day.


Learn about the FOUR PILLARS of Resilience in an engaging, hands-on, workshop series supported by Dr. Elaine’s Resilience Playbook.

  • Purpose

    Being connected to a sense of purpose is vital to our happiness and wellbeing. Together we will explore ways to become more purposeful in relation to our goals, aspirations, and pursuits — so we can reap the benefits of greater productivity, mental health, vitality, and contentment.

  • People

    Having the right network of supportive people makes a huge difference to our health, wellbeing, and success. Together we will explore how we can expand our support system while creating healthy boundaries in draining situations.

  • Practices

    We all know “exercise” and “self-care” are good for us, but who has time to do it all? Together we will explore mini-practices that pack a punch in terms of health, resilience, and productivity, including brain-breaks, micro-movement, and gratitude exchanges.

  • Possibility

    In a world of increasing disconnection, despair, and doubt, developing a sense of optimism, hope, and curiosity can be a powerful antidote. Together we will explore how we can bring more beauty, joy, laughter, and lightness into our lives without ignoring the hardships.


Donna Kaufman, Assistant Superintendent to ROE 9

“As a leadership coach, Elaine both supports and challenges my thinking.

She helps me work through tough issues (often around conflict), helping me align with my core values.

She asks the right questions and gives feedback without judgment, allowing me to understand a situation more clearly.

Elaine has also partnered with me to create stronger systems within my organization.

Whether it is through executive coaching, offering trainings to my team, or facilitating dialogue, I can rely on Elaine to get our organization to the next step.”

- Donna Kaufman, Assistant Superintendent to Regional Office of Education 9

“Elaine’s consultation and coaching played a critical role in cultivating and deepening my leadership skills.

Elaine was intentional in developing tailored and strategic consultation, and in doing so, provided meaningful and goal oriented outcomes.

She incorporates research and best practices into her consultation, and at the same time, coached me to use my personal strengths in practicing new skills.

Because of this, I was able to stay true to myself, yet grow in my leadership role.”

- Lyndsey Trout, MSW Field Director, Clinical Assistant Professor, Field Education at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

(former Director of Champaign Unit 4 ACTIONS Alternative Education program)


  • Raising Parents: The Parenting Science Podcast

  • Restorative Justice on the Rise with Molly Leach

  • WEFT 90.1 Public Radio "In the Know" Program

  • WCIA Channel 3 News (Central Illinois)

  • Access Live Radio with Imani Bazzelll

  • Unitive Justice with Sylvia Clute

Let’s build something together.


In addition to the clients shown here, Dr. Elaine has also consulted on sensitive organizational issues with a number of Boards and nonprofits that prefer to remain anonymous.